Magnets are all around us, and they’re made using metal and electricity. As you know, magnets come in many different shapes and sizes. Making magnets involves using a particular sized/shaped mold which gets put into a machine that fills it with sand. Gases are added into the sand to harden it. The hard sand slab… Read more »
Tag: industrial magnets for sale
There Are Few Limits to What You Can Do With Industrial Magnets

Industrial magnets have many uses. One of the more recent developments in using magnet technology to make people’s lives easier involves something called the “MagBak Case.” Thanks to a successful crowd-sourced funding run on Kickstarter, where everyday people financially back projects they believe in to make them a reality, the MagBak Case is an iPhone… Read more »
How Magnets Are Used in Industrial Applications

Magnets have many practical uses in industrial applications. Available in a diverse range of shapes, sizes and strengths, and typically made of ferrite, neodymium or other magnetic materials, magnets help facilitate production in the automobile, electronics, plastics, glass and ceramics, shipping, construction, mining, food and pharmaceuticals industries. Typically, you’ll find industrial magnets at work in/on… Read more »
How are industrial magnets used?

IPES International is an American company based in Pittsburgh making industrial magnets used in a wide variety of industries. Magnets have the power to do heavy lifting that would otherwise break most men’s backs. Magnets can be used to lift, move and drop heavy loads. The shipping, manufacturing and construction industries often rely on industrial… Read more »